My mission is to help you build an impact and an income online. One way to do this is by learning how to build a sales funnel. The funnel includes three steps: visitors, subscribers and customers. A funnel is how to get people to the thing that you want to tell them about or teach them. Ask can I get them to give me their contact information so I can stay in touch with them? And then how do I nurture that relationship to get them to say "yes" to the thing that I offer?
As a company, we've been building out a funnel map, and we actually have an opportunity for us to build the funnel for you. It's not something that we often offer, but in an effort to help you get your business off the ground, we want to help give you the opportunity to work with us to build this whole process for you. Learn more here.
Before you can ever make a sale, you have to start thinking about your visitors. Who are the people that you want to help? What are they...
It's time to learn the one change to make to your website to better serve your audience and make more sales. I thought of this topic when one of my coaching students inside the Amplify Method coaching program asked me to review his website. Now, normally I don't do that, but I like to go above and beyond for people that are inside of the Amplify Method coaching program. So I took a look at his site while I did a screen recording to give him feedback. As I was going through his site, I did a little exercise that I want to challenge you to do as well.
Open up the home screen of your website and search for two words. You search for the word "we," if it's more than one person that runs your site. For example, this guy has the site with his wife. You then search for the word "I" like the letter "I." This shows you how many times you talk about yourself or your company on your website. For him, it was over seven times on his homepage alone. So, then I searched for the word "you"...
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