#10 The Clarity Sessions - Overcoming The Fear To Get Started

Episode 10 of The Clarity Sessions features guest Maira Vial from Vial Designs. 

On our journey of working together, I challenged Maira to send an email to her people asking them the following: "What are you struggling with? Hit reply and let me know."

Before she sent this email, she worried if her clients would ask her a question she didn't know.  This is a relatable feeling to many, but it's important to not let fear and nervousness get in your way of serving your people well.

Here are three tips for asking your people this question:

1. Trust that your people will ask you something they KNOW you can help them with.

Your people know your expertise, so it's unlikely you will be asked something that you cannot answer. They tend to ask you questions related to your topic because they know you and your area of expertise/ knowledge. If people aren’t asking you questions related to the topic you want to focus on, take that as a cue to hone your message - make your message...

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