#10 The Clarity Sessions - Overcoming The Fear To Get Started

Episode 10 of The Clarity Sessions features guest Maira Vial from Vial Designs. 

On our journey of working together, I challenged Maira to send an email to her people asking them the following: "What are you struggling with? Hit reply and let me know."

Before she sent this email, she worried if her clients would ask her a question she didn't know.  This is a relatable feeling to many, but it's important to not let fear and nervousness get in your way of serving your people well.

Here are three tips for asking your people this question:

1. Trust that your people will ask you something they KNOW you can help them with.

Your people know your expertise, so it's unlikely you will be asked something that you cannot answer. They tend to ask you questions related to your topic because they know you and your area of expertise/ knowledge. If people aren’t asking you questions related to the topic you want to focus on, take that as a cue to hone your message - make your message...

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#11 The Clarity Sessions - How To Promote Your Writing

Episode 11 of The Clarity Sessions podcast features Patty Scott

In this episode, we cover how to promote your published work and grow as an author.

Patty has published two books and she wants to build a bridge between the excitement she has over her books and how to widen her reach to help people actually buy her book. She wants to do more speaking and coaching as a result of her book topics: how to slow down as mothers and how to parent teens. Right now her writing is a hobby, but with her great word-of-mouth grown and willingness to try new things, it can be so much more.

Patty is working on some videos and wonders if it is better to do Youtube videos or Facebook live.

Here are my main tips for Patty:

1. Determine what your people want.

People buy things they want, not what they need. So what is the want behind the need? How do we find what someone will actually pay for? Youtube is a video library you can share with your email list. The videos are made with specific topics...

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#12 The Clarity Sessions - How To Make Money Online

Have you ever wondered how to make money online? 

There is one main reason why you're not making any sales online. I asked in a webinar recently for people to let me know how many dollars they've made online since the beginning of the school year, and most people said zero. The misconception that many people have for why they aren't making money is that they don't have enough traffic.  They say things like:  "You know, I don't have any traffic, and I'm not running any Facebook ads. I don't have anybody that's affiliating for me. I don't have a very big email list." But I want you to know that those aren't the reasons you're not making money online.

Here are the steps you need to take to start making money online:

1. Clarify your audience.

The one consistent theme between people who are making money online and people who aren't has nothing to do with traffic. It actually has to do with the clarity you have about your audience. Knowing who you are writing and creating...

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Own Your Mistakes

I make mistakes all the time.

In fact, I just told my kids the other day at the dinner table, “Do you know how you know that it's 10:00 a.m.?” They looked at me confused and asked what I was talking about. My answer to them was, “Because I've made at least eight mistakes.”

Every day I make mistakes, and I'm sure you do as well. We hate admitting that we make mistakes. I don't know about you, but for me, I want to be perfect. I want everything I do to work out every single time. I want everyone to think that I am a Rockstar, that everything I do turns to gold and everything that's been assigned to me or everything that I say I'm going to do, I do with perfection.

Unfortunately, that's just not the case. I make a lot of mistakes, but once I make a mistake and once you make a mistake, we find ourselves at a fork in the road. We have two options from the point of the mistake:

1. Turn towards people

The first option is, you can turn towards people. When you turn...

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The Dream 100 Strategy

As I look back on the past year, most of the greatest opportunities I had were the result of networking with influencers.

If this sounds scary to you or you don't think it's possible to build an "influential network," I want to introduce you to the Dream 100 Strategy. It's a concept originating with business strategist Chet Holmes in his book The Ultimate Sales Machine.

The Dream 100 is a proven process to serve people by continually staying in touch with them.

The strategy works as follows:

1. Identify the key influencers in your industry with whom you want to build a relationship.

2. Create a strategic outreach campaign that nurtures the relationship with those influencers and gets their attention over time.

3. Consistently communicate with them until they do business with you.

Don't hesitate to reach out and build your network! When you do, be sure you are giving as much as you are receiving. Don't reach out with questions. Reach out with encouragement and gratitude first!...

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